Cappuccino dessert Low Carb

Cappuccino dessert low carb without lactose and carbohydrates

You are intolerant to milk?

Do you follow a low carbohydrate diet?

Here is a tasty recipe

Cappuccino dessert low carb is a recipe for the people intolerant of milk or for the persons who are dieting.

This recipe have as a base of coconut milk, coconut water, coconut dehydrated and pleasure coconut sugar, lactose-free and carbohydrate content is very low.

The cappuccino dessert low carb can be eaten at breakfast or after a meal.

The recipe is quick and easy and canprepared in few minutes.

The nutritional value per 100 grams of the product may vary depending on the type of coconut milk for this recipe is 321 Kcal.

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Coconut water 200 ml     45 kcal

Instant coffee 2 g (2 teaspoons)

Coconut Milk 150 ml        190 kcal

Cocco dehydrated 5 g (2 teaspoons)  6  kcal

Chia seeds 5 g (2 teaspoons)       25  kcal

Oatmeal 5 g (2 teaspoons)           18  kcal

Gelatin 12 g (1 teaspoons)              8 kcal

Cocoa powder (to taste)                ( 229 kcal  for 100 g)

(total calories without cocoa    kcal  292)


In a container you put desiccated coconut, chia seeds, oatmeal, instant coffee and coconut water and stir so as to melt the instant coffee.

Let it all for 2 hours, when the whole thing will be rehydrated, add the coconut milk, add the gelatin slowly, when the mixture is homogeneous, let stand for 5 minutes.

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After 5 minutes pour the mixture into a saucepan, place it on the low-temperature heat and continue stirring until it becomes liquid.

Pour the preparation in one or more containers and place in the refrigerator to firm up.

When serviret in the center of the dessert lay up a little coconut milk and a sprinkling of cocoa, cappuccino dessert is ready.


@DrTraverso   holder Copyright 2017



Cappuccino dessert Low Carb

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